HD Science

HD Science


HD science

Even though the gene that causes Huntington’s disease was discovered in 1993, there’s still a lot to learn about how it causes disease. And there is still no treatment that can slow down the progress of HD. Enroll-HD aims to help fill these gaps by supporting and accelerating HD research.

Video: Postcard from Palm Springs 2024

Highlights from the 2024 CHDI HD therapeutics conference.

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You can view more Postcards to see how the field has developed in recent years.

HD research updates: Postcards from Palm Springs

Each year, CHDI holds the HD Therapeutics Conference (usually in Palm Springs, California, but sometimes in Europe, and in 2021 online due to the Covid pandemic) to bring together many of the world’s leading HD researchers to present their latest findings, share new ideas, and begin new collaborations to develop drugs that will substantially improve the lives of people affected by HD.

To learn more about the recent advances in HD drug development you can watch the video series of Postcards from Palm Springs; each gives a short (10-15 minute) summary of some of the advances and major themes discussed at the HD Therapeutics Conference.

You can view more Postcards from Palm Springs to see how the field has developed in recent years.


Visit HDBuzz for the latest scientific news and clear explanations of the most important recent findings in HD research – written by scientists for non-scientists.