
Biosamples from several HD studies are made available through the Enroll-HD platform. You can browse all available biosamples, or search by sample type, in the table below.

There is a cost associated with biosample requests which includes a sample fee as well as a shipping and handling fee. Sample delivery time depends on the biosample type requested.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Please contact us.


Browse all available biosamples, or search by sample type, in the table below. Visit the access page to learn about biosample access procedures, including estimated timelines for delivery.

There is a cost associated with biosample requests. Participant biosamples are not sold for profit. The cost associated with obtaining biosamples consists of: 1) a biosample fee, 2) a shipping fee, and 3) a handling fee. Biosample fees are fixed and listed below; these fees (i) are applied to partially offset the costs of collecting and storing the requested biosamples, and (ii) give people requesting biosamples a sense of the actual “cost” of their experiments. Shipping and handling fees are direct pass-throughs of project-specific costs and will be provided upon request.
