Ciel bleu pour Skyhawk : nouvelles positives de l’essai de phase 1 pour SKY-0515

The stormy trial updates that hung over the Huntington’s disease (HD) field in 2021 have certainly parted, making way for the bright and clear forecast we’ve had so far in 2024! Close on the heels of recent positive trial news from Sage Therapeutics, PTC Therapeutics, Wave Life Sciences, and uniQure, we’ve received more encouraging results […]

Nouvelles positives de l’essai Wave Life Sciences SELECT-HD

On 25th June 2024, Wave Life Sciences shared the results of their SELECT-HD clinical trial. This trial tested a therapy called WVE-003, designed to only lower the expanded, harmful form of the huntingtin (HTT) protein found in people with Huntington’s disease (HD). The data released today give positive updates on the safety of this therapy […]

Aucun pivot nécessaire pour le PTC-518

On June 20, 2024, we received an update from PTC Therapeutics about their ongoing trial, PIVOT-HD. PIVOT is testing PTC-518, a small molecule drug, taken as a pill, that lowers huntingtin (HTT) in people with Huntington’s disease (HD). Their most recent update shared data from people who had been on the drug for 12 months. […]

SURVEYOR ouvre la porte à des médicaments qui traitent la cognition

Sage Therapeutics released a press statement on June 11th that focuses on the main results of a study called SURVEYOR, aimed at studying cognition (thinking) in Huntinton’s disease (HD) and testing the safety of a drug called dalzanemdor (previously SAGE-718). Let’s talk about what we know and what’s next! Amplifying nerve cell messages to improve […]

La section VIP : des cordes de velours pour le cerveau et comment y accéder

Two separate research groups recently published work on the blood-brain barrier (BBB). You can think of the BBB like a bouncer that keeps the riffraff out of the VIP section that is your brain. One group advanced how the brain’s barrier is modeled in the lab using stem cells. Another group developed a harmless virus […]


Plateforme de Recherche Clinique

Enroll-HD est une plateforme de recherche clinique et la plus grande étude observationnelle au monde sur les familles de la maladie de Huntington.

Pour les centres d'étude

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