File | Variable | Label | Status |
Baseline | occupant | UHDRS Total Functional Capacity - Occupation | |
Baseline | finances | UHDRS Total Functional Capacity - Finances | |
Baseline | chores | UHDRS Total Functional Capacity - Domestic chores | |
Baseline | adl | UHDRS Total Functional Capacity - ADL | |
Baseline | carelevl | UHDRS Total Functional Capacity - Care level | |
Comorbid | seq | Visit Index | * |
Followup | seq | Visit Index | * |
Followup | occupant | UHDRS Total Functional Capacity - Occupation | |
Followup | finances | UHDRS Total Functional Capacity - Finances | |
Followup | chores | UHDRS Total Functional Capacity - Domestic chores | |
Followup | adl | UHDRS Total Functional Capacity - ADL | |
Followup | carelevl | UHDRS Total Functional Capacity - Care level | |
Followup | pbas1wo | Group Depressed mood - Worst | |
Followup | pbas2wo | Group Suicidal ideation - Worst | |
Followup | pbas3wo | Group Anxiety - Worst | |
Followup | pbas4wo | Group Irritability - Worst | |
Followup | pbas5wo | Group Angry or aggressive behavior - Worst | |
Followup | pbas6wo | Group Lack of initiative (apathy) - Worst | |
Followup | pbas7wo | Group Perseverative thinking or behavior - Worst | |
Followup | pbas8wo | Group Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviours - Worst | |
Followup | pbas9wo | Group Delusions / paranoid thinking - Worst | |
Followup | pbas10wo | Group Hallucinations - Worst | |
Followup | pbas11wo | Group Disoriented Behaviour - Worst | |
Nonpharmacotx | seq | Visit Index | * |
Nutsuppl | cmdostotI | Total daily dose | |
Nutsuppl | cmdosfrq | Frequency | |
Nutsuppl | seq | Visit Index | * |
Nutsuppl | cmdose__cmdostxt | Dose / Unit (dose of one intake) | |
Nutsuppl | cmfrq__1 | Daily intake - in the morning | |
Nutsuppl | cmfrq__2 | Daily intake - at noon | |
Nutsuppl | cmfrq__3 | Daily intake - in the evening | |
Nutsuppl | cmfrq__4 | Daily intake - at night | |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__ing | Ingredient – Modified Term | |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__atc | Ingredient – Code (coded by ATC) | |
Pharmacotx | cmdostot | Total daily dose | |
Pharmacotx | cmdosfrq | Frequency | |
Pharmacotx | seq | Visit Index | * |
Pharmacotx | cmdose__cmdostx | Dose | |
Pharmacotx | cmfrq__1 | Daily intake - in the morning | |
Pharmacotx | cmfrq__2 | Daily intake - at noon | |
Pharmacotx | cmfrq__3 | Daily intake - in the evening | |
Pharmacotx | cmfrq__4 | Daily intake - at night | |
Phonecontact | seq | Visit Index | * |
Phonecontact | dsterm | Specify primary reason for participant's premature discontinuation from study (lost to follow up hint: failure of participant to return to follow-up visit and failure. | |
Prematureend | subjid | HDID (recoded) | * |
Prematureend | studyid | Study ID | * |
Prematureend | visit | Visit name | * |
Prematureend | visdy | Visit day | * |
Prematureend | visstat | Visit status | * |
Prematureend | dsterm | Specify primary reason for participant's Premature discontinuation from study (lost to follow up hint: failure of participant to return to follow-up visit and failure to be located by investigator) | |
Subject | region | Region (latest) | * |
6 Change Log
6.1 Overview
This document provides an overview of changes made to the structure, content, and format of the Enroll HD Periodic Dataset (PDS) between each consecutive major (PDSX) and minor (RX) release, from the first (PDS1; R1) to the most recent (PDS6; R2). Information about files and file structure, variables (additions, exclusions, and modifications), coding systems, and quality control and identification risk protocol is provided. Sample size and visit counts by major and minor release are also documented. Individual participant value changes between major and minor releases are captured in separate documents, available on request.
6.2 Files and file structure
The files contained in each Enroll-HD PDS release are displayed in Table 6.1 .
PDS1 contained 9 files: baseline, comorbid, followup, general, nonpharmacotx, nutsuppl, pharmacotx, phonecontact, and subject. For PDS2, the prematureend file was added to the release.
The main changes in the PDS release file structure occurred between PDS2 and PDS3; seven new files were added (adhoc, assessment, enroll, event, participation, profile, registry), and six files were removed (baseline, followup, general, phonecontact, prematureend, subject).
PDS1 and PDS2 contained only data from the Enroll-HD study. PDS3, and all subsequent releases, also contain data from Registry 2, Registry 3 and Adhoc study data, where these data are available for EnrollHD participants. As a result, the registry and adhoc files were added for PDS3 and onwards. The registry file contains visit information collected as part of the Registry 2 and Registry 3 studies. All the visit information is included in a single file and includes information collected at baseline, each follow-up visit, and unscheduled visits. The adhoc file contains data collected about Enroll-HD participants prior to their participation in the Registry and Enroll HD studies. Both registry and adhoc files share the same structure as the enroll file, which was also introduced in PDS3 to capture the data previously included in the baseline, followup, and phonecontact files (see Figure 6.1 ). The enroll file also includes data from unscheduled visits that were not made available previously. The new assessment file summarizes all available assessments/forms for visits from each study; this file can be a very useful tool to determine which data are available from each study. The participation file (see Figure 6.1 ) contains all the variables from prematureend and some variables from the subject file (for example hdcat_l and subjstat). The profile file (see Figure 6.1) includes all the variables from the previously used general file and the additional variables presented in the subject file, namely region, caghigh and caglow.
Finally, the event file - an Enroll HD study specific file – was introduced for PDS3. This file was not available until PDS3 because the number of observed Enroll-HD reportable events prior to this release was relatively small, causing concerns about potential identification.
Four files remained the same in file name and structure since the beginning: comorbid, pharmacotx, nonpharmacotx, and nutsuppl. However, in the PDS3_R2 release, two files (pharmacotx and nutsuppl) were removed to limit the distribution of the MedDRA and WHO-DD coded data to researchers holding a MedDRA and/or WHO-DD license. For more details, please consult Variables and Coding sections.
No further modifications to file structure have been made since PDS3.
6.3 Variables
This section summarizes changes made to variables within each file between consecutive PDS releases, including new variables, variable exclusions, and variable modifications.
The number of variables included in each file of each PDS release is summarized in Table 6.2.
Table 6.3 , Table 6.5, Table 6.7, Table 6.8 , and Table 6.9 provide information on sequential changes to variables (inclusions, exclusions, and modifications) between the final major versions of each PDS release.
For variables changes implemented between minor releases (PDS2_R1 to PDS2_R2, PDS3_R1 to PDS3_R2, and PDS6_R1 to PDS6_R2), a brief description of the reason why those changes were made and the variables impacted are available. Table 6.4 and Table 6.6 resume the changes between the different minor releases of PDS2 and PDS3, respectively.
The majority of variable changes were observed between PDS2 and PDS3 when data from additional studies were added, and additional data from the Enroll-HD study were made available in the PDS (e.g., events).
6.3.1 PDS1_R1 -> PDS2_R2
Variable notes, including modification(s):
- The option ‘Oceania’ was changed to ‘Australasia’ in the variable region.
Variable changes for PDS2 releases (R1, R2):
Regarding the releases (R1, R2) of the PDS2, just one variable change was made: the variable mhenr was renamed as mhenrfon the comorbid file. The variable coding remained unchanged, only the name was corrected and matches the name released on PDS1. The variables changes between releases are presented in Table 6.4 .
6.3.2 PDS2_R1 -> PDS3_R2
File | Variable | Label | Status |
Adhoc | age | Age at visit | * |
Adhoc | emplusl | Could subject engage in gainful employment in his/her accustomed work? | |
Adhoc | emplany | Could subject engage in any kind of gainful employment? | |
Adhoc | volunt | Could subject engage in any kind of volunteer or nongainful work? | |
Adhoc | fafinan | Could subject manage his/her finances (monthly) without any help? | |
Adhoc | grocery | Could subject shop for groceries without help? | |
Adhoc | cash | Could subject handle money as a purchaser in a simple cash (shop) transaction? | |
Adhoc | supchild | Could subject supervise children without help? | |
Adhoc | drive | Could subject operate an automobile safely and independently? | |
Adhoc | housework | Could subject do his/her own housework without help? | |
Adhoc | laundry | Could subject do his/her own laundry (wash/dry) without help? | |
Adhoc | prepmeal | Could participant prepare his/her own meals without help? | |
Adhoc | telephon | Could subject use the telephone without help? | |
Adhoc | ownmeds | Could subject take his/her own medications without help? | |
Adhoc | feedself | Could subject feed himself/herself without help? | |
Adhoc | dress | Could subject dress himself/herself without help? | |
Adhoc | bathe | Could subject bathe himself/herself without help? | |
Adhoc | pubtrans | Could subject use public transport to get to places without help? | |
Adhoc | walknbr | Could subject walk to places in his/her neighbourhood without help? | |
Adhoc | walkfall | Could subject walk without falling? | |
Adhoc | walkhelp | Could subject walk without help? | |
Adhoc | comb | Could subject comb hair without help? | |
Adhoc | trnchair | Could subject transfer between chairs without help? | |
Adhoc | bed | Could subject get in and out of bed without help? | |
Adhoc | toilet | Could subject use toilet/commode without help? | |
Adhoc | carehome | Could subject's care still be provided at home? | |
Adhoc | hvlt | Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-R completed (optional) | |
Assessment | subjid | HDID (recoded) | * |
Assessment | studyid | Study ID | * |
Assessment | visit | Visit name | * |
Assessment | seq | Visit index | * |
Assessment | visdy | Visit day | * |
Assessment | enrollment | Enrollment | |
Assessment | variable | Variable | |
Assessment | mhx | Medical History | |
Assessment | samples | Samples | |
Assessment | motor | UHDRS Motor/Diagnostic Confidence | |
Assessment | tfc | UHDRS Total Functional Capacity | |
Assessment | funct | UHDRS Function Assessment/Independence Scale | |
Assessment | cognitive | Cognitive Assessments | |
Assessment | mmse | Mini Mental State Examination | |
Assessment | physio | Physiotherapy Outcome Measures | |
Assessment | pbas | Problem Behaviours Assessment - Short | |
Assessment | csri | Client Service Receipt Inventory | |
Assessment | careqol | Caregivers Quality of Life Questionnaire | |
Assessment | sf12 | Short Form Health Survey – 12v2 | |
Assessment | hadssis | Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale – Snaith Irritability Scale | |
Assessment | cssrsfup | Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale - Annual | |
Assessment | cssrsbl | Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale - Baseline | |
Assessment | wpaishp | WPAI-SHP | |
Assessment | missedvisit | Missed Visit | |
Assessment | behaviour | UHDRS Behavioral Assessment | |
Assessment | summary | Summary | |
Assessment | gci | Global Clinical Impression Scale | |
Assessment | care | Care Giver Questionnaire | |
Assessment | pbahd | Problem Behaviours Assessment for HD | |
Assessment | sf36v2 | SF-36v2 Health Survey | |
Assessment | bdi | Becks Depression Scale | |
Assessment | hamilton | Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression | |
Assessment | sf36v1 | SF-36v1 Health Survey | |
Comorbid | studyid | Study ID | * |
Enroll | age | Age at visit | * |
Enroll | emplusl | Could subject engage in gainful employment in his/her accustomed work? | |
Enroll | emplany | Could subject engage in any kind of gainful employment? | |
Enroll | volunt | Could subject engage in any kind of volunteer or nongainful work? | |
Enroll | fafinan | Could subject manage his/her finances (monthly) without any help? | |
Enroll | grocery | Could subject shop for groceries without help? | |
Enroll | cash | Could subject handle money as a purchaser in a simple cash (shop) transaction? | |
Enroll | supchild | Could subject supervise children without help? | |
Enroll | drive | Could subject operate an automobile safely and independently? | |
Enroll | housework | Could subject do his/her own housework without help? | |
Enroll | laundry | Could subject do his/her own laundry (wash/dry) without help? | |
Enroll | prepmeal | Could participant prepare his/her own meals without help? | |
Enroll | telephon | Could subject use the telephone without help? | |
Enroll | ownmeds | Could subject take his/her own medications without help? | |
Enroll | feedself | Could subject feed himself/herself without help? | |
Enroll | dress | Could subject dress himself/herself without help? | |
Enroll | bathe | Could subject bathe himself/herself without help? | |
Enroll | pubtrans | Could subject use public transport to get to places without help? | |
Enroll | walknbr | Could subject walk to places in his/her neighbourhood without help? | |
Enroll | walkfall | Could subject walk without falling? | |
Enroll | walkhelp | Could subject walk without help? | |
Enroll | comb | Could subject comb hair without help? | |
Enroll | trnchair | Could subject transfer between chairs without help? | |
Enroll | bed | Could subject get in and out of bed without help? | |
Enroll | toilet | Could subject use toilet/commode without help? | |
Enroll | carehome | Could subject's care still be provided at home? | |
Enroll | sid1 | Have you wished you were dead or wished you could go to sleep and not wake up? | |
Enroll | sid2 | Have you actually had any thoughts of killing yourself | |
Enroll | sid3 | Have you been thinking about how you might do this? | |
Enroll | sid4 | Have you had these thoughts and had some intention of acting on them? | |
Enroll | sid5 | Have you started to work out or worked out the details of how to kill yourself? Do you intend to carry out this plan? | |
Enroll | int1 | Group Intensity of Ideation – Most Severe – Type | |
Enroll | int2 | How many times have you had these thoughts? | |
Enroll | int3 | When you have the thoughts, how long do they last? | |
Enroll | int4 | Could/can you stop thinking about killing yourself or wanting to die if you want do? | |
Enroll | int5 | Are there things – anyone or anything (e.g. family, religion, pain of death) – that stopped you from wanting to die or acting on thoughts of committing suicide? | |
Enroll | int6 | What sort of reasons did you have for thinking about wanting to die or killing yourself? | |
Enroll | sbh1 | Group Suicidal Behavior - Actual attempt | |
Enroll | sbh1n | Total # of attempts | |
Enroll | sbh2 | Has subject engaged in Non-Suicidal Self-Injurious Behavior? | |
Enroll | sbh3 | Has there been a time when you started to do something to end your life but someone or something stopped you before you actually did anything? | |
Enroll | sbh3n | Total # of interrupted | |
Enroll | sbh4 | Has there been a time when you started to do something to try to end your life but you stopped yourself before you actually did anything? | |
Enroll | sbh4n | Total # of aborted | |
Enroll | sbh5 | Have you taken any steps towards making a suicide attempt or preparing to kill yourself (such as collecting pills, getting a gun, giving valuables away or writing a suicide note)? | |
Enroll | sbh6 | Suicidal behaviour was present during the assessment period? | |
Enroll | sbh7 | Completed Suicide was present during the assessment period | |
Enroll | attmpt1dy | Day of most recent attempt | |
Enroll | attmpt11 | Actual Lethality/Medical Damage | |
Enroll | attmpt12 | Potential Lethality | |
Enroll | attmpt2dy | Day of most lethal attempt | |
Enroll | attmpt21 | Actual Lethality/Medical Damage | |
Enroll | attmpt22 | Potential Lethality | |
Enroll | attmpt3dy | Day of Initial/First attempt | |
Enroll | attmpt31 | Actual Lethality/Medical Damage | |
Enroll | attmpt32 | Potential Lethality | |
Enroll | rfstdy | Enrollment day | |
Enroll | fhx | Family History | |
Enroll | bsp | Biosamples for use in research | |
Enroll | nvl | Participation in sub-studies | |
Enroll | cntct | Contact between visits | |
Enroll | cntctst | Contact regarding other research studies | |
Enroll | cntctpmt | Contact regarding post-mortem tissue collection | |
Enroll | rtrspctv | Linking clinical information from previous studies | |
Event | subjid | HDID (recoded) | * |
Event | studyid | Study ID | * |
Event | seq | Index | * |
Event | evtdy | Day of report | |
Event | evtcode | Reportable event codes | |
Event | evtterm__modify | Event term – Modified Term (coded with MedDRA) | |
Event | evtterm__decod | Event term – Code (coded with MedDRA) | |
Event | evtstdy | Onset day | |
Event | stdtcest | Date estimated | |
Event | evtongo | Resolved | |
Event | evtendy | End Day | |
Event | evtdsmc | Status of DSMC review | |
Nonpharmacotx | studyid | Study ID | * |
Nutsuppl | subjid | HDID (recoded) | * |
Nutsuppl | studyid | Study ID | * |
Nutsuppl | cmcat | Type | |
Nutsuppl | cmdostot | Total daily dose | |
Nutsuppl | cmdosunit | Unit | |
Nutsuppl | cmdosfrq | Frequency | |
Nutsuppl | cmstdy | Start Day | |
Nutsuppl | cmenrf | Ongoing | |
Nutsuppl | cmendy | End day | |
Participation | study | Study | * |
Participation | subjstat | Participant status (latest) | |
Participation | hdcat_0 | Participant category (at enrollment) | |
Participation | hdcat_l | Participant category (latest) | |
Participation | age_0 | Age at enrollment | |
Participation | rfstdy | Study reference start day (baseline) | |
Participation | rficdy | Day of informed consent | |
Participation | rfendy | Day of end of study | |
Participation | evtnum | Number of events | |
Participation | saenum | Number of serious events | |
Participation | visitnum | Number of visits | |
Participation | visit1, …, visit21 | Visit type | |
Participation | vis1dy,…, vis21dy | Day of visit | |
Participation | seq | Visit Index | * |
Participation | visit | Visit name | * |
Participation | visdy | Visit day | * |
Participation | visstat | Visit Status | * |
Pharmacotx | subjid | HDID (recoded) | * |
Pharmacotx | studyid | Study ID | * |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__modify | Drug name – Modified Term (coded by WHO-DD) | |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__decod | Drug name – Code (coded by WHO-DD) | |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__ing | Drug name - Ingredients | |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__atc | Drug name – ATC Codes | |
Pharmacotx | cmindc__modify | Indication – Modified Term (coded by MedDRA) | |
Pharmacotx | cmindc__decod | Indication – Code (coded by MedDRA) | |
Pharmacotx | cmdostot | Total daily dose | |
Pharmacotx | cmdose__cmdosu | Unit (unit of one dose) | |
Pharmacotx | cmdosfrq | Frequency | |
Pharmacotx | cmroute | Route | |
Pharmacotx | cmstdy | Start day | |
Pharmacotx | cmenrf | Ongoing | |
Pharmacotx | cmendy | End day | |
Profile | studyid | Study ID | * |
Profile | visit | Visit name | * |
Profile | visdy | Visit day | * |
Profile | visstat | Visit status | * |
Profile | age | Age at visit | * |
Profile | hdtest | Has an HD genetic test been done? | |
Profile | lbdy | Collection Day | |
Profile | fhx | Family History | |
Registry | age | Age at visit | * |
Registry | emplusl | Could subject engage in gainful employment in his/her accustomed work? | |
Registry | emplany | Could subject engage in any kind of gainful employment? | |
Registry | volunt | Could subject engage in any kind of volunteer or nongainful work? | |
Registry | fafinan | Could subject manage his/her finances (monthly) without any help? | |
Registry | grocery | Could subject shop for groceries without help? | |
Registry | cash | Could subject handle money as a purchaser in a simple cash (shop) transaction? | |
Registry | supchild | Could subject supervise children without help? | |
Registry | drive | Could subject operate an automobile safely and independently? | |
Registry | housework | Could subject do his/her own housework without help? | |
Registry | laundry | Could subject do his/her own laundry (wash/dry) without help? | |
Registry | prepmeal | Could participant prepare his/her own meals without help? | |
Registry | telephon | Could subject use the telephone without help? | |
Registry | ownmeds | Could subject take his/her own medications without help? | |
Registry | feedself | Could subject feed himself/herself without help? | |
Registry | dress | Could subject dress himself/herself without help? | |
Registry | bathe | Could subject bathe himself/herself without help? | |
Registry | pubtrans | Could subject use public transport to get to places without help? | |
Registry | walknbr | Could subject walk to places in his/her neighbourhood without help? | |
Registry | walkfall | Could subject walk without falling? | |
Registry | walkhelp | Could subject walk without help? | |
Registry | comb | Could subject comb hair without help? | |
Registry | trnchair | Could subject transfer between chairs without help? | |
Registry | bed | Could subject get in and out of bed without help? | |
Registry | toilet | Could subject use toilet/commode without help? | |
Registry | carehome | Could subject's care still be provided at home? | |
Registry | hvlt | Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-R | |
NA | NA | completed (optional) | |
Registry | hvltd | Used form | |
Registry | hvltt11 | Trial 1: correct | |
Registry | hvltt21 | Trial 2: correct | |
Registry | hvltt31 | Trial 3: correct | |
Registry | hvlt1 | Delayed recall correct | |
Registry | hvlt2 | Total repetitions (trials 1-3 & delayed) | |
Registry | hvlt3 | Total intrusions (trials 1-3 & delayed) | |
Registry | hvlt4 | Recognition: true positives | |
Registry | hvlt5 | Recognition: false positives | |
Registry | mdrs | Dementia Rating Scale-2 completed (optional) | |
Registry | mdrs1 | Attention | |
Registry | mdrs2 | Initiation / perseveration | |
Registry | mdrs3 | Construction | |
Registry | mdrs4 | Conceptualization | |
Registry | mdrs5 | Memory | |
Registry | sfscore_v1 | SF-36 score | |
Registry | sfscore_v2 | SF-36 v.2 score | |
Registry | behscore | Behavioral score | |
Registry | biscore | Behavioral score incomplete | |
Registry | behaviour_depscore | Group Sub-scores - Depression | |
Registry | defscore | Group Sub-scores - Drive/executive function | |
Registry | behaviour_irascore | Group Sub-scores - Irritability/aggression | |
Registry | behaviour_psyscore | Group Sub-scores - Psychosis | |
Registry | deprfr | Group Depressed mood - Frequency | |
Registry | deprsv | Group Depressed mood - Severity | |
Registry | guiltfr | Group Low self-esteem/guilt - Frequency | |
Registry | guiltsv | Group Low self-esteem/guilt - Severity | |
Registry | anxifr | Group Anxiety - Frequency | |
Registry | anxisv | Group Anxiety - Severity | |
Registry | suicfr | Group Suicidal thoughts - Frequency | |
Registry | suicsv | Group Suicidal thoughts - Severity | |
Registry | aggrfr | Group Disruptive or aggressive behavior - Frequency | |
Registry | aggrsv | Group Disruptive or aggressive behavior - Severity | |
Registry | irritfr | Group Irritable behavior - Frequency | |
Registry | irritsv | Group Irritable behavior - Severity | |
Registry | obsessfr | Group Perseverative/obsessional thinking - Frequency | |
Registry | obsesssv | Group Perseverative/obsessional thinking - Severity | |
Registry | compulfr | Group Compulsive behavior - Frequency | |
Registry | compulsv | Group Compulsive behavior - Severity | |
Registry | delusfr | Group Delusions - Frequency | |
Registry | delussv | Group Delusions - Severity | |
Registry | hallucfr | Group Hallucinations - Frequency | |
Registry | hallucsv | Group Hallucinations - Severity | |
Registry | apathfr | Group Apathy - Frequency | |
Registry | apathsv | Group Apathy - Severity | |
Registry | confus | Does the examiner believe the participant is confused? | |
Registry | dement | Does the examiner believe the participant is demented? | |
Registry | deprexam | Does the examiner believe the participant is depressed? | |
Registry | deprrfr | Does the participant require pharmacotherapy for depression? | |
Registry | irritrfr | Does the participant require pharmacotherapy for irritability? | |
Registry | isobt | Was the behavioral assessment information obtained from: | |
Registry | bdiscore | Becks Score | |
Registry | hamscore | Hamilton Score | |
Registry | sid1 | Have you wished you were dead or wished you could go to sleep and not wake up? | |
Registry | sid2 | Have you actually had any thoughts of killing yourself | |
Registry | sid3 | Have you been thinking about how you might do this? | |
Registry | sid4 | Have you had these thoughts and had some intention of acting on them? | |
Registry | sid5 | Have you started to work out or worked out the details of how to kill yourself? Do you intend to carry out this plan? | |
Registry | int1 | Group Intensity of Ideation – Most Severe – Type | |
Registry | int2 | How many times have you had these thoughts? | |
Registry | int3 | When you have the thoughts, how long do they last? | |
Registry | int4 | Could/can you stop thinking about killing yourself or wanting to die if you want do? | |
Registry | int5 | Are there things – anyone or anything (e.g. family, religion, pain of death) – that stopped you from wanting to die or acting on thoughts of committing suicide? | |
Registry | int6 | What sort of reasons did you have for thinking about wanting to die or killing yourself? | |
Registry | sbh1 | Group Suicidal Behavior - Actual attempt | |
Registry | sbh1n | Total # of attempts | |
Registry | sbh2 | Has subject engaged in Non-Suicidal Self-Injurious Behavior? | |
Registry | sbh3 | Has there been a time when you started to do something to end your life but someone or something stopped you before you actually did anything? | |
Registry | sbh3n | Total # of interrupted | |
Registry | sbh4 | Has there been a time when you started to do something to try to end your life but you stopped yourself before you actually did anything? | |
Registry | sbh4n | Total # of aborted | |
Registry | sbh5 | Have you taken any steps towards making a suicide attempt or preparing to kill yourself (such as collecting pills, getting a gun, giving valuables away or writing a suicide note)? | |
Registry | sbh6 | Suicidal behaviour was present during the assessment period? | |
Registry | sbh7 | Completed Suicide was present during the assessment period | |
Registry | attmpt1dy | Day of most recent attempt | |
Registry | attmpt11 | Actual Lethality/Medical Damage | |
Registry | attmpt12 | Potential Lethality | |
Registry | attmpt2dy | Day of most lethal attempt | |
Registry | attmpt21 | Actual Lethality/Medical Damage | |
Registry | attmpt22 | Potential Lethality | |
Registry | attmpt3dy | Day of Initial/First attempt | |
Registry | attmpt31 | Actual Lethality/Medical Damage | |
Registry | attmpt32 | Potential Lethality | |
Registry | svrtyll | Based upon my review of the information, I feel the severity of illness is |
Variable notes, including modification(s):
All the variables of the assessment file were introduced in the PDS3 release, since this file was not available before;
All the variables of the event file were introduced in the PDS3 release, since this file was not released on PDS2;
The following assessments were introduced due to the inclusion of the Registry 2, Registry 3 and Retro-Visit: Short Form Health Survey – 36v2 (SF-36v2), Short Form Health Survey – 36v1 (SF-36v1), Beck – Depression Inventory (BDI), Behaviour, Hamilton, GCI, and C-SSRS (Baseline and Follow Up). Some of these assessments were also introduced into Enroll;
The remaining variables of the adhoc and registry files were previously available in one of the visit files (baseline, followup or phonecontact) and, for that reason, are not included in the table.
Variable changes for PDS3 minor releases (R1 and R2):
Regarding the minor releases (R1, R2) of PDS3, two files previously made available in PDS3_R1 were removed in PDS3_R2, nutsuppl and pharmacotx, to limit distribution to only researchers holding a license for MedDRA and/or WHO-DD. The variables included in the nutsuppl and pharmacotx files on the PDS3_R1 and removed on PDS3_R2 are listed on Table 6.6 .
File | Variable | Label |
Nutsuppl | subjid | HDID (recoded) |
Nutsuppl | cmcat | Type |
Nutsuppl | cmtrt__modify | Drug name – Modified Term (coded by WHO-DD) |
Nutsuppl | cmtrt__decod | Drug name – Code (coded by WHO-DD) |
Nutsuppl | cmtrt__atc | Drug name – ATC Codes |
Nutsuppl | cmtrt__ing | Drug name – Ingredients |
Nutsuppl | cmdostot | Total daily dose |
Nutsuppl | cmdosunit | Unit |
Nutsuppl | cmdosfrq | Frequency |
Nutsuppl | cmstdy | Start day |
Nutsuppl | cmenrf | Ongoing |
Nutsuppl | cmendy | End day |
Pharmacotx | subjid | HDID (recoded) |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__modify | Drug name – Modified Term (coded by WHO-DD) |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__decod | Drug name – Code (coded by WHO-DD) |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__ing | Drug name – Ingredients |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__atc | Drug name – ATC Codes |
Pharmacotx | cmindc__modify | Indication – Modified Term (coded by MedDRA) |
Pharmacotx | cmindc__decod | Indication – Code (coded by MedDRA) |
Pharmacotx | cmdostot | Total daily dose |
Pharmacotx | cmdose__cmdosu | Unit (unit of one dose) |
Pharmacotx | cmdosfrq | Frequency |
Pharmacotx | cmroute | Route |
Pharmacotx | cmstdy | Start day |
Pharmacotx | cmenrf | Ongoing |
Pharmacotx | cmendy | End day |
6.3.3 PDS3_R2 -> PDS4_R2
File | Variable | Label | Status |
Assessment | cognitivel | Extended Neuropsychological Assessment | |
Assessment | function | UHDRS Function Assessment/Independence Scale | |
Comorbid | mhterm__modify | Condition – Modified Term (coded) | |
Comorbid | mhterm__decod | Condition – Code (coded) | |
Enroll | hxtobcpd | Cigarettes per day | |
Enroll | hxtobyos | Years of smoking | |
Enroll | tobcpd | Cigarettes per day | |
Enroll | tobyos | Years of smoking | |
Enroll | sdmtnd | Symbol Digit Modality Test - Reason | |
Enroll | verfctnd | Verbal Fluency Test – Reason | |
Enroll | scntnd | Stroop Colour Naming Test - Reason | |
Enroll | swrtnd | Stroop Word Reading Test - Reason | |
Nutsuppl | subjid | HDID (recoded) | * |
Nutsuppl | cmcat | Type | |
Nutsuppl | cmtrt__modify | NutSuppl Supplement – Modified Term | |
Nutsuppl | cmtrt__decod | NutSuppl Supplement – Code | |
Nutsuppl | cmtrt__atc | NutSuppl Supplement - ATC Code(s) | |
Nutsuppl | cmtrt__ing | NutSuppl Supplement - ingredient(s) | |
Nutsuppl | cmdostot | Total daily dose | |
Nutsuppl | cmdosunit | Unit | |
Nutsuppl | cmdosfrq | Frequency | |
Nutsuppl | cmstdy | Start day | |
Nutsuppl | cmenrf | Ongoing | |
Nutsuppl | cmendy | End day | |
Pharmacotx | subjid | HDID (recoded) | * |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__modify | Drug name – Modified Term | |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__decod | Drug name - Code | |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__ing | Ingredient – Modified Term | |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__atc | Ingredient – Code (coded by ATC) | |
Pharmacotx | cmindc__modify | Indication – Modified Term | |
Pharmacotx | cmindc__decod | Indication - Code | |
Pharmacotx | cmdostot | Total daily dose | |
Pharmacotx | cmdose__cmdosu | Unit (unit of one intake) | |
Pharmacotx | cmdosfrq | Frequency | |
Pharmacotx | cmroute | Route | |
Pharmacotx | cmstdy | Start day | |
Pharmacotx | cmenrf | Ongoing | |
Pharmacotx | cmendy | End day | |
Participation | saenum | Number of serious events | |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__modify | Drug name – Modified Term | |
Pharmacotx | cmtrt__decod | Drug name – Code | |
Pharmacotx | cmindc__modify | Indication – Modified Term | |
Pharmacotx | cmindc__decod | Indication – Code | |
Profile | sxs_m | Group Mixed symptoms – motor | |
Profile | sxs_c | Group Mixed symptoms – cognitive | |
Profile | sxs_p | Group Mixed symptoms – psychiatric | |
Profile | sxs_o | Group Mixed symptoms – oculomotor | |
Profile | sxf_m | Group Mixed symptoms – motor | |
Profile | sxf_c | Group Mixed symptoms – cognitive | |
Profile | sxf_p | Group Mixed symptoms – psychiatric | |
Profile | sxf_o | Group Mixed symptoms – oculomotor | |
Profile | sxreas | Please specify why you, as a ratter, cannot estimate symptom onset (without additional external information) at the moment | |
Profile | sxgs | What is your best guess of how many years ago symptom onset took place | |
Profile | sxgsdy | Day of data entry | |
Profile | sxr_m | Group Mixed symptoms – motor | |
Profile | sxr_c | Group Mixed symptoms – cognitive | |
Profile | sxr_p | Group Mixed symptoms – psychiatric | |
Profile | sxr_o | Group Mixed symptoms – oculomotor | |
Profile | xgwas | Additional GWAS data | |
Profile | xbsp | Additional biosamples available | |
Profile | xpheno | Additional phenotypic data available | |
Profile | xmorpho | Additional morphometric data available | |
Profile | ximage | Raw images available |
Variable notes and modification(s):
The variable funct (“UHDRS Function Assessment/Independence Scale“) of the assessment file had its name changed to function in PDS4 release;
Regarding the profile file, additional variables (xgwas, xbsp, xpheno, xmorpho, and ximage) were added to allow researchers to easily identify if additional data or biosamples were available for each participant. These additional data and biosamples are from studies other than Enroll-HD and Registry, like Predict-HD, Track, among others, and can be requested through a SPS;
Concerning the pharmacotx and nutsupp files that were reintroduced in the PDS4 release, all medications and nutritional supplements have been included using new Enroll-HD specific medication and comorbidity codes, which replace all MedDRA coding;
Regarding the comorbid file, all WHO coding used in previous versions of PDS releases have been replaced by Enroll-HD specific codes.
Variable changes for PDS4 releases (R1, R2, R3):
Between the minor releases (R1, R2, and R3) of PDS4,there were no changes in the variables (included, excluded or modified). However, some coding on the following files were updated between PDS4_R1 and PDS4_R2: comorbid, event, nutsuppl, participation, pharmacotx, and profile:
profile: correction of information to the variables xgwas, xmorpho, xpheno, ximage, and xbsp;
participation: correction of the variable rfendy;
comorbid: correction of mhterm__modify and mhterm__decod;
pharmacotx: correction of cmindc__decod;
nutsuppl: correction of cmtrt__modify and cmtrt__decod;
event: correction of evtterm__modify and evtterm__decod .
6.3.4 PDS4_R3 -> PDS5_R2
Variable changes for PDS5 releases (R1, R2):
Between the minor releases (R1, R2) of the PDS5, there were no changes in the variables (included, excluded or modified).
6.3.5 PDS5_R2 -> PDS6_R1
File | Variable | Label | Status |
Adhoc | height | Height (cm) | |
Adhoc | weight | Weight (kg) | |
Adhoc | bmi | BMI | |
Adhoc | bmi_imp | BMI imputed | |
Adhoc | capscore | CAP score | |
Enroll | hdiss_stage_imp | Imputed HD-ISS stage | |
Enroll | hdiss_stage0_prob | Probability of classification as HD-ISS Stage 0 | |
Enroll | hdiss_stage1_prob | Probability of classification as HD-ISS Stage 1 | |
Enroll | hdiss_stage2_prob | Probability of classification as HD-ISS Stage 2 | |
Enroll | hdiss_stage3_prob | Probability of classification as HD-ISS Stage 3 | |
Enroll | capscore | CAP score | |
Enroll | maristat | Marital status | |
Enroll | height | Height (cm) | |
Enroll | weight | Weight (kg) | |
Enroll | bmi | BMI | |
Enroll | bmi_imp | BMI imputed | |
Nonpharmacotx | cmfrq | Daily intake | |
Registry | maristat | Marital status | |
Registry | height | Height (cm) | |
Registry | weight | Weight (kg) | |
Registry | bmi | BMI | |
Registry | bmi_imp | BMI imputed | |
Registry | capscore | CAP score |
Variable notes, including modification(s):
The variable bmi_imp (BMI imputed) replaces the previous variable bmi and it is calculated based on observed weight at visit and height as observed at Enroll-HD baseline for all visits where the participant is at least 18 years of age (value is not provided for visits at which participant is < 18 years of age);
The variable capscore (CAP score) was introduced – please refer to the document Understand and Interpret the data for further information. See also: (Warner et al., 2022)
Multiple variables were introduced concerning HD-ISS staging (hdiss_stage_imp, hdiss_stage0_prob, hdiss_stage1_prob, hdiss_stage2_prob, hdiss_stage3_prob) - please refer to the Understand and Interpret the data document for further information. See also: (Tabrizi et al., 2022)
Several variables were removed or transformed to minimize participant identification risk (i.e., height, weight, maristat).
Variable changes for PDS6 releases (R1, R2):
Between the minor releases (R1, R2) of the PDS6, there were no changes in the variables (included, excluded or modified). However, certain variable values on the pharmacotherapy file were set to missing in the R2 of PDS6, in case cmtrt__modify were coded as Investigational drugs to avoid identification. These variables were dose (cmdostot), route (cmroute), and frequency (cmdosfrq).
6.4 Number of participants
Enroll-HD is an active, longitudinal study. A participant eligible for inclusion for one PDS release may be ineligible in the next (e.g., participant data quarantined). Table 6.10 presents sample size by PDS release, while Table 6.11 and Table 6.12 summarize the changes in participants between the last version of each PDS and between each release, respectively, regarding the new participants included, participants excluded, and those preserved from the previous release.
6.5 Visits
There are several types of visits included in the PDS. All PDS releases include Enroll-HD baseline, follow-up, and phone contact visits. Since PDS3, Enroll-HD unscheduled visits are also in the PDS, alongside baseline and follow-up visits from Registry (R2 and R3), and retrospective visits from ad hoc studies.
Table 6.13 summarizes the number of visits included in each Periodic Dataset release by visit type. In summary, no changes occurred in visits included between the releases of the same PDS, except for the PDS4_R2 and PDS4_R3, where a baseline visit was removed due to consent withdrawal of one participant, and for the PDS6_R1 and PDS6_R2, where two visits were removed for two family control participants.
6.6 Coding
6.6.1 Missing Values
There are two overarching categories of missing data in the dataset: system-defined missing data (indicated by blank variable ‘entries’), and user-defined missing data (indicated by specific codes, which indicate reason for missingness). These user-defined labels - ‘exceptional values’ - were introduced in PDS4_R1 and have since remained unchanged. Each one of them is represented in the dataset by a specific code, detailed in Table 6.14 . For more details regarding the missing code values, please consult the Data Dictionary document.
6.6.2 Medications and Nutritional Supplements
For the PDS, the Enroll-HD participants’ use of medications and nutritional supplements are provided in two files: pharmacotx and nutsuppl, respectively.
The pharmacotx file includes coded data from the Enroll-HD database. PDS1 to PDS3 included information from the WHO-DD (WHO Drug Dictionary), which is used to code medications. For PDS4 and later versions, the WHO-DD information is replaced with Enroll-HD specific internal codes for medications in the variable cmtrt__decod (“Drug Name – Code”). The internal codes starts with RX, followed by 9 digits. End users with a license for the WHO-Drug Global may request access to the actual WHO-Drug Global codes. Before the release of PDS6, in the EDC the previous version of the WHO-DD (version 2012) had been updated to the WHO-Drug Global (version 2021). Therefore,some of the terms and codes (cmtrt__modify, cmtrt__decod, cmtrt__ing, cmtrt__atc) included in the PDS6 are different from the ones used in previous versions.
The indication for a medication is coded with MedDRA ( From PDS4 on, the indication is coded with the internal Enroll‐HD condition code. The internal condition code starts with CX followed by 9 digits. End users with a license for MedDRA may request access to the actual MedDRA codes. Before the release of PDS6 in the Electronic Data Capture (EDC), previous PDS releases used MedDRA (2012 and 2015) versions. Therefore, some of the terms and internal codes values differ between PDS6 and previous versions. For additional details regarding the coding system, please consult the Coding Systems document available on the Enroll-HD General Study Document section on
6.6.3 Comorbidities
For participants in the Enroll-HD Study with documented comorbid conditions, the data are contained in the comorbid file of the PDS.
The comorbidities are coded with the ICD-10 code (, the variables mhterm__modify (“Condition – Modified Term (coded)”) and mhterm__decod (“Condition – Code (coded)”) allow the user to check groups of diseases based on an organ system. Surgeries and procedures are coded using MedDRA. Since PDS4, the Enroll-HD internal condition code is included in the variable mhterm__decod. In PDS6 an updated version of MedDRA (2021) was used. Previous PDS releases used version of MedDRA (2015). Therefore, some of the terms and internal codes values differ between PDS6 and previous versions.
End users with a license for MedDRA may request access to the actual MedDRA codes.
For additional details regarding the coding system, please consult the Coding Systems document, available on the Enroll-HD General Study Document section on
6.7 Identification risk
To ensure that data included in each PDS release are HIPAA-compliant and that the risk for participant identification is minimized, two methods are employed: 1) “Safe Harbor” method; and 2) “Expert Determination” method. For full details of these methods, please refer to document Data Quality Management and Participant Privacy.
Expert Determination recommendations may include the transformation, aggregation, or suppression of certain variables flagged as potentially identifying.
Variables subject to aggregation, and their accompanying thresholds in each PDS release, are described in Table 6.15 to Table 6.17 .
Pursuant to variable transformation, aggregation, and suppression, data retained in the PDS releases is assessed for individual participant identification risk using the R software package sdcMicro (Templ, Kowarik, & Meindl, 2015). Genotype unknown participants exceeding a 1% identification risk probability are to be excluded from the dataset, for all other participants a 3% identification risk threshold is applied. The identification risk thresholds have remained unchanged across PDS releases. The variables considered in the analysis of identification risk have been updated, as described below:
PDS1 to PDS5 (including all minor releases):
- age (baseline), caghigh, sex, race (aggregated), ISCED (baseline), BMI (baseline).
- age (baseline), caghigh, sex, race (aggregated), ISCED (baseline), BMI (baseline), region
6.8 Aggregation thresholds
To minimize participant identification risk, data aggregation techniques are applied to specific variables for PDS releases. These variables, and the thresholds used for aggregation for each PDS release, might be different: the cohort size and profile allow for such aggregation threshold adjustments while maintaining low identification risk.
Determining a cut-off point to aggregate data is a trade-off between the amount of aggregation and the utility of the data: higher levels of aggregation are associated with lower precision of data.
Table 6.15 to Table 6.17 detail the variables aggregated in each PDS and their respective thresholds. All changes are highlighted in yellow. No changes have been made to variable aggregation thresholds since PDS2.
Deaggregated data may be obtained through special request, subject to Scientific Review Committee (SRC) approval. Please refer to the Access Data and Biosamples webpage on for information on how to request a specified dataset (SPS). The Understand and Interpret the data document provides additional detail on handling aggregated values.
6.9 Quality Control Procedure
Each Enroll-HD PDS goes through stringent Quality Control (QC) procedures prior to release. For full details of these methods, please refer to document Data Quality Management and Participant Privacy .
Up to and including PDS5, approximately 200 QC checks were applied to the data. For PDS6, check thresholds were reviewed and updated, and new checks added, for a total of approximately 400. New checks encompassed checks for new variables (e.g., capscore; HD-ISS variables) and systematic outlier checks for all continuous variables.
More detailed information on each check can be found in the document Quality Control: Observations and Unusual Findings. Document available on request. Please contact us.
6.10 Participant level values
Changes to individual participant data values between PDS releases, both major and minor, are not described in this document; they are captured and listed in individual spreadsheets, available upon request. These spreadsheets detail individual datum changes and the underlying reasoning for change (e.g., medication codes were changed).
6.11 Revision History
Document Name | Summary of Changes |
Change Log Overview: PDS1 to PDS6v20230104 | First version for sixth Enroll-HD periodic dataset (PDS6; R1) |
Change Log Overview: PDS1 to PDS6 v20230915 | Second version for sixth Enroll-HD periodic dataset(PDS6; R2) |