PDS Documentation Hub

1 Overview

1.1 Dataset


The data contained in Enroll-HD PDS6 was extracted from the Enroll-HD electronic data capture (EDC) database on November 4, 2022, at 10:00 UTC.

Data sources

The PDS6 dataset encompasses data exclusively from Enroll-HD participants, collected from several sources. These sources are the Enroll-HD study, the REGISTRY study, and clinical data collected in adhoc visits outside of the aforementioned studies.

Enroll-HD is an observational cohort study and global clinical research platform designed to facilitate Huntington’s disease (HD) clinical research. It includes participants from North America, Europe, Australasia, and Latin America. The study started in 2012 and is still active and actively recruiting.

REGISTRY is an observational cohort study of HD conducted in Europe. The study started in 2004 and concluded in 2015. As Enroll-HD began, REGISTRY sites and participants began to transition into Enroll-HD. Enroll-HD dataset releases include individuals who initially participated in REGISTRY then consequently enrolled in Enroll-HD and consented to the migration of their REGISTRY data into the Enroll-HD dataset. Registry data are available for a subset of Enroll-HD participants.

Clinical data from additional sources (Ad Hoc data) are available for a subset of Enroll-HD participants. These data were collected at routine clinical visits outside of the Enroll-HD and REGISTRY studies, and comprise HD assessment data (e.g., UHDRS Motor). The date of collection of these data typically pre-date a participant’s enrollment into REGISTRY or Enroll-HD.

Study specific protocols, annotated eCRFs, and data collection guidelines are housed on the Documentation page of the Enroll-HD website.

Participant inclusion

To be included in the PDS6 release, participant’s data had to meet several requirements. Figure 1.1 illustrates the number of participants whose data met each of the predefined inclusion requirement and illustrates how the final sample size of PDS6 was determined.

Figure 1.1: Participant flow chart for inclusion in PDS6.

Due to data exclusion requirements, not all participants enrolled in Enroll-HD at the time of PDS6 data cut are included in PDS6. Similarly, not all participants included in PDS5 are included in PDS6. Data from 200 participants who were included in PDS5 were not included in the current PDS release. Enroll-HD is an active, longitudinal study. A participant eligible for inclusion for one release may be ineligible the next (e.g., participant data quarantined). Data for PDS5 participants not included in PDS6 may be available through specified dataset (SPS) request.

1.2 Sample Size

PDS6 contains data on 25,550 Enroll-HD participants. Sample size by PDS release is presented in Figure 1.2 .

Figure 1.2: Enroll-HD sample size by PDS release.

1.3 Visits

PDS6 contains data from 95,038 visits (baseline and follow-up visits only; all sources). Of these, 78,728 were Enroll-HD visits. The remainder are from Registry (N = 15,292) and ‘Ad Hoc’ sources (N = 1,018). A breakdown of visits by data source is provided in Table 1.1. Number of Enroll-HD visits only by PDS release are illustrated in Figure 1.3.

Table 1.1: Number of visits in PDS6 by constituent data source. Participant number indicates the number of EnrollHD participants with visit data available for the indicated data source (maximum N = 25,550)
Data source Participants Visits
Enroll-HD 25550 78728
Registry 3 4337 10114
Registry 2 2153 5178
Ad Hoc 316 1018
Total 95038

Figure 1.3: Enroll-HD visits only (baseline and follow-up only) by PDS release.

Considering baseline and follow-up visits from Enroll-HD only, total number of visits per participant in PDS6 ranges from 1 to 10. In Figure 1.4 , we illustrate participant counts by maximum number of Enroll-HD visits. Each participant is represented once, included in the bar indicative of their maximum number of visits. In Figure 1.5, we illustrate maximum participant counts for a specific number of visits. This plot is cumulative, the goal being to illustrate largest available sample size for a specific number of visits. For example, the participant with 10 visits is represented in visit bars 1 through 10, the participants with 9 visits are represented in visit bars 1 through 9, and so on.

Figure 1.4: Participant counts by maximum number of Enroll-HD visits (baseline and follow-up visits only, unscheduledvisits and phone contacts excluded). Full sample represented(N = 25,550, Missing N = 0).

Figure 1.5: Maximum participant counts for a specific number of Enroll-HD visits (baseline and follow-up visits only; unscheduled visits and phone contacts excluded). Cumulative plot. Full sample represented (N = 25,550; Missing N = 0).

Considering baseline and follow-up visits from all data sources (Enroll-HD, REGISTRY, Ad Hoc visits), total number of visits per participant ranges from 1 to >20. Maximum participant counts by visit number are presented in Figure 1.6.

Figure 1.6: Maximum participant counts for a specific number of visits; Enroll-HD, REGISTRY, Adhoc (baseline and follow-up visits only; unscheduled visits and phone contacts excluded). Cumulative plot. Full sample represented (N = 25,550; Missing N = 0).

1.4 Sample Characteristics

The PDS6 sample is characterized below with respect to participant category, sociodemographic variables, and clinical characteristics (Figures 1.7 to 1.19).

Figure 1.7: Participant category at baseline Enroll-HD visit(hdcat_0). Full sample represented (N = 25,550; Missing N =0)

Figure 1.8: Participant category at latest Enroll-HD visit (hdcat_l). Full sample represented (N = 25,550; Missing N = 0)

Figure 1.9: Geographical region (region). Full sample represented (N = 25,550; Missing N = 0)

Figure 1.10: Sex (sex). Full sample represented (N = 25,550; Missing N = 0)

Figure 1.11: ISCED (isced) at baseline Enroll-HD visit. Full sample represented (N = 25,435; Missing N = 115)

Figure 1.12: HD integrated staging system (HD-ISS) imputed stage (hdiss_stage_imp) at baseline Enroll-HD visit. Individuals with research CAG length of = 40 represented only (N = 17,594).

Figure 1.13: Age at baseline Enroll-HD visit (age_0). Full sample represented (N = 25,550; Missing N = 0). Note that in PDS6, age for individuals under the age of 18 years is represented by the value ‘<18’. These values have been transformed to 17 for inclusion in this histogram.

Figure 1.14: Research CAG length (caghigh). Full sample represented (N = 25,550; Missing N = 0). Note that in PDS6, CAG length for individuals with a CAG length greater than 70 is represented by the value ‘>70’; these values have been transformed to 71 for inclusion in this histogram. HDGEC = individual with CAG = 36; Non-HDGEC = individual with CAG < 36.

Figure 1.15: CAP score (capscore) at baseline Enroll-HD visit. Calculated using the CAP score formula in Warner et al. Only individuals with a research CAG of = 36 are represented. Note: a subset of these individuals with an aggregated value for age and/or research CAG length (N = 51) are not represented; these individuals have blank ‘entries’ for CAP score in the dataset.

Figure 1.16: UHDRS total motor score (motscore) at baseline Enroll-HD visit. Full sample represented (N = 25,366; Missing N = 184). HDGEC = individual with CAG = 36; Non-HDGEC = individual with CAG < 36

Figure 1.17: UHDRS total functional capacity score (tfcscore) at baseline Enroll-HD visit. Full sample represented (N = 25,463; Missing N = 87). HDGEC = individual with CAG = 36; Non-HDGEC = individual with CAG < 36.

Figure 1.18: UHDRS functional assessment score (fascore) at baseline Enroll-HD visit. Full sample represented (N = 25,006; Missing N = 544). HDGEC = individual with CAG = 36; Non-HDGEC = individual with CAG < 36

Figure 1.19: Symbol digit modality test score (total correct) (sdmt1) at baseline Enroll-HD visit. Full sample represented (N = 24,316; Missing N = 1,234). HDGEC = individual with CAG = 36; Non-HDGEC = individual with CAG < 36.

1.5 Data availability and completeness

Figure 1.20: Completeness of data elements in Enroll-HD as a function of percentage of total participants (N = 25,550). Note that the completeness metric for ‘CAG (local)’ is 87% when limited to individuals with a CAG (research) of = 36

Figure 1.21: Completeness of assessments (core and extended) as a function of percentage of total Enroll-HD visits (visit N = 78,730). For assessments and scales with a key outcome variable(s), the completeness metric was operationalized as sufficiently completed such that the key outcome variable(s) is available for that visit. Key outcome variables are indicated in parentheses alongside each scale. For scales with no key outcome variable(s), i.e., CSSRS, Caregivers QoL, and CSRI, the completeness metric was ‘scale administered’ (operationalized as at least one variable field completed at that visit).

1.6 Coverage data availability by region, participant category, visit count

Coverage charts

Availability of participant data by number of visits, region, and HD participant category, is provided in the coverage charts below (Tables 1.2 to 1.4 ).

Table 1.2: PDS6 coverage chart (cumulative; latest). Maximum number of participants available for X visits by region and participant category at latest visit. Visit counts consider only Enroll-HD visits (baseline and follow-up only, unscheduled visits and phone contacts excluded). Note that participants with more than 1 visit are represented in multiple columns. M = manifest; PM = pre-manifest; FC = family control; GN = genotype negative.
Region HD Category Baseline visit Visit 2 Visit 3 Visit 4 Visit 5 Visit 6 Visit 7 Visit 8 Visit 9 Visit 10
Australasia Manifest 377 332 256 192 148 100 47 27 9 0
Pre-manifest 292 233 170 127 90 57 27 11 4 0
Family Control 95 71 51 36 27 20 9 4 0 0
Genotype Negative 96 83 57 41 29 16 9 4 0 0
Europe Manifest 9633 7280 5381 3758 2349 1289 679 250 21 0
Pre-manifest 3345 2339 1622 1117 678 368 170 46 5 0
Family Control 1407 978 705 492 285 153 59 9 4 0
Genotype Negative 1655 1086 740 520 315 184 83 18 0 0
Latin America Manifest 237 147 90 45 23 11 6 2 0 0
Pre-manifest 101 57 16 10 5 0 0 0 0 0
Family Control 26 13 8 4 1 0 0 0 0 0
Genotype Negative 165 95 35 12 8 2 1 0 0 0
Northern America Manifest 3739 2705 1973 1410 947 591 311 144 51 14
Pre-manifest 1818 1208 813 563 368 221 123 56 23 6
Family Control 1203 904 701 520 365 241 141 69 40 14
Genotype Negative 1361 871 632 468 350 233 137 69 30 5
Total 25550 18402 13250 9315 5988 3486 1802 709 187 39

Table 1.3: PDS6 coverage chart (absolute; latest). Absolute number of participants available for X visits by region and participant category at latest visit. Visit counts consider only Enroll-HD visits (baseline and follow-up only, unscheduled visits and phone contacts excluded). Note that in contrast to Table 2, each participant is represented in a single column only, indicative of their maximum visit count. M = manifest; PM = pre-manifest; FC = family control; GN = genotype negative
Region HD Category Baseline visit Visit 2 Visit 3 Visit 4 Visit 5 Visit 6 Visit 7 Visit 8 Visit 9 Visit 10
Australasia Manifest 45 76 64 44 48 53 20 18 9 0
Pre-manifest 59 63 43 37 33 30 16 7 4 0
Family Control 24 20 15 9 7 11 5 4 0 0
Genotype Negative 13 26 16 12 13 7 5 4 0 0
Europe Manifest 2353 1899 1623 1409 1060 610 429 229 21 0
Pre-manifest 1006 717 505 439 310 198 124 41 5 0
Family Control 429 273 213 207 132 94 50 5 4 0
Genotype Negative 569 346 220 205 131 101 65 18 0 0
Latin America Manifest 90 57 45 22 12 5 4 2 0 0
Pre-manifest 44 41 6 5 5 0 0 0 0 0
Family Control 13 5 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0
Genotype Negative 70 60 23 4 6 1 1 0 0 0
Northern America Manifest 1034 732 563 463 356 280 167 93 37 14
Pre-manifest 610 395 250 195 147 98 67 33 17 6
Family Control 299 203 181 155 124 100 72 29 26 14
Genotype Negative 490 239 164 118 117 96 68 39 25 5
Total 7148 5152 3935 3327 2502 1684 1093 522 148 39

Table 1.4: PDS6 coverage chart (absolute; baseline). Absolute number of participants available for X visits by region and participant category at baseline visit. Visit counts consider only Enroll-HD visits (baseline and follow-up only, unscheduled visits and phone contacts excluded). Note that in contrast to Table 2, each participant is represented in a single column only, indicative of their maximum visit count. M = manifest; PM pre-manifest; FC = family control; GN = genotype negative
Region HD Category Baseline visit Visit 2 Visit 3 Visit 4 Visit 5 Visit 6 Visit 7 Visit 8 Visit 9 Visit 10
Australasia Manifest 45 73 55 39 43 38 18 14 9 0
Pre-manifest 59 66 52 42 38 45 18 11 4 0
Family Control 24 20 15 9 7 11 5 4 0 0
Genotype Negative 13 26 16 12 13 7 5 4 0 0
Europe Manifest 2352 1835 1518 1300 933 524 362 189 19 0
Pre-manifest 1007 781 610 548 437 284 191 81 7 0
Family Control 429 273 213 207 132 94 50 5 4 0
Genotype Negative 569 346 220 205 131 101 65 18 0 0
Latin America Pre-manifest 44 40 8 6 6 0 0 0 0 0
Manifest 90 58 43 21 11 5 4 2 0 0
Family Control 13 5 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0
Genotype Negative 70 60 23 4 6 1 1 0 0 0
Northern America Pre-manifest 611 441 288 276 197 144 97 69 32 11
Manifest 1033 686 525 382 306 234 137 57 22 9
Family Control 299 203 181 155 124 100 72 29 26 14
Genotype Negative 490 239 164 118 117 96 68 39 25 5
Total 7148 5152 3935 3327 2502 1684 1093 522 148 39

Geographical coverage

Enroll-HD PDS6 data were collected from 179 clinical sites located across 22 countries (Figure 1.22)

Figure 1.22: Enroll-HD PDS6 map. Enroll-HD data in PDS6 were collected from clinical sites in 22 countries.

1.7 Revision History

PDS6 overview R1 > PDS6 overview R2:

Text, tables, and plots updated to reflect changes implemented for PDS6 R2. Note that visits were removed for two family control participants. For further information on PDS changes, please refer to the Change Log .